This week, the U.S. Tax Court, in a unanimous TC opinion, affirmed ZMF client’s entitlement to the 179D energy-efficient commercial building tax deduction in Johnson v. Commissioner. Not only was the deduction affirmed, but the Court agreed with every legal argument made by the ZMF team and rejected the IRS’s arguments in totality. The Court handed down a resounding correction to the IRS, insisting that it follow its own guidance. “This is a huge win for our client and provides direction for thousands of small and mid-size businesses across the country” ZMF Partner Matthew Reddington said.
Matthew Reddington stated: “I am incredibly proud of our team at ZMFFF&J… This decision is the first of its kind in this area of federal tax law. We are proud to be the firm blazing a legal path for American businesses to obtain the tax benefit to which they are legally entitled for the important work they do.”
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