We represent individuals and companies that are under audit or examination by the IRS or state tax authorities. We particularly specialize in assisting small and medium businesses and their owners. We also serve as counsel for taxpayers in litigation before the Tax Court as well as Federal District Court and Appeals.
Our clients benefit from our years of experience representing hundreds of clients through IRS examination, IRS appeals, mediation and arbitration — and when necessary the court system. We are extremely proud of our results on behalf of our clients.
We believe a great part of our success is due to three factors: 1) that we bring a strong background in litigation; 2) our considerable base of knowledge of the tax laws; and, 3) having at our fingertips technical expertise in a wide range of areas – such as engineering, chemistry, computer software, etc. that can be of enormous assistance to clients in certain tax matters.
These three pillars have led to many happy clients.
ZMF is among the nation’s most experienced Tax Controversy Firms with a host of IRS insiders, top notch tax litigators and LLM tax experts. Examples of some of our recent successful outcomes include:
- Defense and successful resolution of a multi-million dollar transfer pricing dispute regarding the sale of software to our client’s parent corporation;
- Successful abatement of a mid six figure payroll tax penalty for a large east coast store chain;
- Successful reversal of a massive proposed hobby loss on a client’s large sea vessel;
- Successful resolution of a seven figure income tax dispute involving multiple intercompany loans, and capital transfers between commonly owned entities;
- Reversal of an IRS proposed mid six figure capitalization assessment by covering same with previously unclaimed credits;
- Ongoing representation of a number of clients in tax disputes regarding passive income, and executive compensation;